Lista dell’harware presente
# lshw
identificare scheda grafica:
lspci | grep VGA
CHe driver sto usando per la scheda grafica?
lshw -c display | grep driver
L’accelerazione 3D è attivata?
glxinfo | grep render
Che versione di openGL sto usando?
glxinfo|grep “OpenGL version”
identificare kernel e architettua
uname -a
Per controllare i driver in funzione
mi hanno segnalato questo strumento online:
basta aprire un terminale e dare il comando:
lspci -n
e incollare nel form del sito l’output.
Informazioni su guembanara
Guembanara is a collective born in 2008 that gathers projects about Africa from different moviemakers with experience. Individually we come from media- activism stories, laboratories for the multimedia education in several conflicts zones, documentary productions and enquiries. We do many other projects: tv shows, exhibitions and video clips.. but this is the connection point between our professional life and that personal path that in a way or another brought us to Africa. It has been more than ten years now that we are telling about this country and its habits, we are living with his population putting together our competence and militant spirit. Guenbanara is the circle of our “movie-relation”.