impostare DE predefinito

Debian parte di default con gnome ma volevo impostare come predefinito xfce4 con:
– window manager gdm
– display manager xfwm4
-file manager thunar

update-alternatives –config x-session-manager

update-alternatives –config x-session-manager
mmm…si vede sminchiato sarebbe ‘menomeno config’

poi mi sono spariti i bottoni delle finestre e ho risolto dando il comando:

‘xfwm4 –daemon’
che credo abbia ricaricato il demone del display manager

Se stiamo sintallando debian da zero copio dal wiki.debian:

At the Debian Installer boot prompt, press the tab key to edit the command line, then add


Successivamente quando ci verrà chiesto di selezionare il software da installare scegliendo “Desktop Environment” si installerà xfce4 al posto del normalmente predefinito gnome.

Informazioni su guembanara

Guembanara is a collective born in 2008 that gathers projects about Africa from different moviemakers with experience. Individually we come from media- activism stories, laboratories for the multimedia education in several conflicts zones, documentary productions and enquiries. We do many other projects: tv shows, exhibitions and video clips.. but this is the connection point between our professional life and that personal path that in a way or another brought us to Africa. It has been more than ten years now that we are telling about this country and its habits, we are living with his population putting together our competence and militant spirit. Guenbanara is the circle of our “movie-relation”.
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